Last time I went to the $1 smoothie deal in the evening, they ran out of fruit! People bought 4 -5 cups at once. I better go earlier this time.
costco 也有摩卡跟拿帖冰沙. 我試過拿帖冰紗, 味道比starbucks更濃更香, 價錢也親民的多, 才$1.49 (around)
阿豪,這次是$1 off應該不是一杯一元! 不過還是早點去比較安全!^^Claudia, 有,少爺也很愛castco的摩卡冰沙,每次去都必點!^^
Last time I went to the $1 smoothie deal in the evening, they ran out of fruit! People bought 4 -5 cups at once. I better go earlier this time.
回覆刪除costco 也有摩卡跟拿帖冰沙. 我試過拿帖冰紗, 味道比starbucks更濃更香, 價錢也親民的多, 才$1.49 (around)
回覆刪除阿豪,這次是$1 off應該不是一杯一元! 不過還是早點去比較安全!^^
回覆刪除Claudia, 有,少爺也很愛castco的摩卡冰沙,每次去都必點!^^